Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tarantino's and Aliotos

Tarantinos and Aliotos are two Italian seafood restaurants and are located adjacent to each other in what used to be know as little Italy in the early 1900's, although their stories are rather different.
The Tarantinos were a small Italian family that lived in little Italy and belonged to the former Crab Fisherman Protective Association. Two Irishmen ,Gene McAteen and Dan Sweeney, decided to purchase the property on the wharf and bought the Tarantino name to fit with the Italian family neighbors Aliotos, Casagnolas, and the DiMaggio's who were prominent land owning Italian families on the wharf.
Aliotos is a very nice and expensive restaurant next to Tarantino's on wharf 8. It is still family owned and operated to this day. The stairway that leads up to the banquet hall is lined with incredible photos from different generations of the family. Joey Giardello and Joey Lewis, professional boxers, have photos in the restaurant along side that Alioto family.
An interesting invention I found along my journey was the "Aliotos innovation", which was the conversion of wood burning outdoor burners to gas in 1932.

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