Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Buena Vista

While we were at Aliotos during closing hours we met a kind gentlemen, named Vincent Carningnia, sitting at the bar and asked him a few questions and told him what we were doing. He said that he happened to know the owner of the Buena Vista and they were school mates back in the day. He said that we had to go The Buena Vista before we went home to make our road trip complete. We had to oblige.
The Buena Vista is a quaint cafe on Beach and Hyde exactly two blocks up from wharf 8. Upon entering I knew exactly what to get from the aroma surrounding the building: World Famous Irish Coffee.
This place is very friendly and within 15 seconds of entering and giving the bartender the peace sign, there were two incredible looking, smelling, and tasting Irish Coffees. Probably the best I will ever get to taste and believe me they are everything you are imagining. If you ever make it down to the shop its really hard not to leave without a smile on your face.

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